
Review Time

All Time Entry Video

Review the video above for a guided tour of All Time Entries and how to review and edit logged time.  Then use the step-by-step instructions below to go hands-on.

View Time Entered

Start by using the Advanced Filter option to define the data/time entries you want to review by:

  1. Go to “All Time Entries” via the Time Reporting link in the checklist or use the left-side menu and click “Time,” then “Administration,” then “All Time Entries.” (see image below)
  2. Click “Advanced Filter” to set your selection for time entries to view by the following by:
    a.  Select User, and/or
    b.  Project, and/or
    c.  Task (time tracking item), and/or
    d.  Start and End Dates (period)
  3. Click “Apply Filter” to apply the select filter criteria. Then review the detailed results for the time entries based on the filter.
  4. Export to Excel by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the “Export to Excel” button.


Figure 1 - All Time Entries Page

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