Overview Video
Start with the "About Time Off Requests" video above, then experience submitting a request and approving one. Finally, review the Time Off Report. Each step is supported by a separate video.
Note that you will need to be an “approver” for your requests in order to see the notification and complete the approval step below. If you did not set yourself up to approve your own TOR requests, please follow the instructions under the article “Setup Managers.”
Time Off Request Video
Start by navigating to Time off Requests via the “Submit and Approve a Time Off Request” checklist link or using the left-side menu under the Time application and then Time Off Request module. From the Time Off Request page you will:
- Click “New Request” button at the top left of the page
- Complete Required Fields in the form for a request (e.g. for vacation).
- Click “Submit” to submit your test request.
Figure 1 – Create a New Time Off Request
Time Off Approval Video
Approve or Disapprove a Requests via your ClockIN “My Inbox” (see annotation steps in the Figure 2 below):
- Click My Inbox in the left-side navigation.
- Open the request by clicking the envelope icon for the request.
- Review Request Details to understand the request.
- Approve or disapprove the request by clicking Manager Approval to expand the available options and selecting the desired action, including Comments.
- Submit the approval/disapproval by clicking the “Submit” button. The Requestor will receive an email confirmation with the approval/disapproval details including any comments.
Figure 2 - Approve or Disapprove a Request
Note: The Inbox and approval screen has been optimized for viewing on a mobile browser. See Request Details and access the Manager Approval options by clicking on the link provided in the notification email, then logging in to ClockIN.
Figure 3 - Mobile Approval Example
TOR Reporting Video
Last, view the various reports and management views including TOR Management Requests and Time Off Report under the Time menu category and Administration option. You will find under TOR Management the approval made in the previous step, and as requests are made, pending, and approved you can see their status and allocations under Time Off Report.
Figure 4 - TOR Management Example
Figure 5 - Time Off Request Example