
Create New Projects and Tasks – track work and time the way you need to

See the three sections below to learn about projects and tasks, including:

  • About ClockIN Projects and Tasks - a level overview and definitions.
  • How to Add a New Task - for time tracking and task management.
  • How to Add a New Project - for time and/or project management.

About ClockIN Projects and Tasks

Video Introduction of ClockIN Projects

View the video above for an introduction.  “Projects” is a familiar term adopted by ClockIN, however you can use projects is a variety of ways to meet your specific business needs and use cases.  You can use Projects in a traditional sense, as a collection of managed tasks within a specific timeframe (start and end date), or you can think of a project more generically as an initiative, reporting entity, work activity, etc. that you want to track (e.g. time or status)– with or without associated tasks. 

ClockIN has created several example Projects that are used in onboarding new users, and may meet some of your needs moving forward.  Tasks associated with these projects are available in user’s Time Clocks and Timesheets to log time against:

      • General Administration - A “project” designed as a reporting entity, or bucket, to track time such as employee time-off.  Tasks within the General project include:
        • Vacation
        • Holiday
        • Sick Leave
        • Jury Duty

Recording time against these “tasks” helps provide a complete picture of activity and performance, removing questions in reporting when users are away from work and not otherwise reporting time against work activities.

      • Standard Project – An example project based on Project Management Institute’s (PMI) 5 phases of Project Management, with tasks to record time for:
        • Conception and Initiation
        • Planning
        • Execution
        • Performance/Monitoring
        • Close
      • Simple Project Task -  A standalone project with no detail tasks, however including a default task of a “simple” task for time or status tracking.

As you get rolling with ClockIN you will need to create new projects or add tasks to projects (e.g. to track time), therefore the Administrator/Manager Companion Guide provides step-by-step instructions on adding tasks and projects.  

How to Add New Tasks

Add Tasks to Project Video

Watch the video above, and then follow the steps and figure below to learn how to add new tasks for time tracking or task management.

      1. Go to the Projects page by clicking the Create New Projects and Tasks link in the Onboarding Checklist or navigate to “Time” on the left-side menu, and then “Projects.”
      2. Click on the “General” project to select it to add a task under the “Details” tab.
      3. Click “Add a new task” link under the Tasks listing.
      4. Complete the details with “Bereavement” as the title and leave estimated time and actual time blank.
      5. Click the SAVE ICON for the new task.
      6. Click Update Project button to close the window.


Figure 1 - Add New Task


How to Add New Projects

Add New Projects Video

Go to the Projects page by clicking the Create New Time Tracking Tasks link in the Checklist or navigate to “Time” on the left-side menu, and then “Projects.”  Add project(s) specific to your organization’s needs:

          1. Click the Add Project button in the top right of the screen
          2. Add a Title for the project.
          3. Add a Description.
          4. Choose a Customer if needed by selecting from the drop-down or clicking the “Add Customer” link under the Customer field.
          5. Add a Start Date and End Date. Note that while this is optional, adding a Start Date and End Date (even if they are estimates) will add the Project to the Roadmap – providing a visual of all projects against a timeline.  The Roadmap is covered in a later checklist item.
          6. Click Next to define how the project will be used.


Figure 2 - Add New Project Wizard (Page 1)

          1. Choose how the project will be used by:
            a.  Select “I will not need to tack unique tasks,” meaning that you do not need to create detailed tasks, however a default task will be created based on the Project Name and show on the timesheet and available when clocking time (Note you can always add unique tasks later), or
            b.  Select “I will need to use unique tasks for time keeping and scheduling,” which allows detailed tasks to be created and used for time tracking.
          1. Click “Next”


Figure 3 - Add New Project Wizard (Page 2)

          1. Based on the previous selection:

            a.  Add “Estimated Hours” and click “Create Project”


Figure 4 - Add New Project Wizard (Page 3a)

          1. Add Task(s), as necessary, and click “Create Project”


Figure 5 - Add New Project Wizard (Page 3b)


NOTE:  When creating tasks if the follow a specific sequence or order, use numbering (e.g. 1. Planning), otherwise tasks are ordered alphabetically in the timesheet and views.

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